A few weeks ago, I attended a star-studded and relatively new European Film Festival held in the glorious...well, actually my ancient-locally-owned independent movie theater about twenty minutes from my house... and on top of that, the screenings were free. So...maybe it was not all that but you really couldn't go wrong with that.
Anyway, one of the last flicks I saw was a pseudo-historical tale called El Greco (PS:. You can watch the movie for free off from that link) that's based on the actual life of, El Greco --one of the most influential painters of the western world, and no, I did not make that up. Which reminded me of exactly how bad my paintings are however, since I have never claimed to be in the same league and I love doing them --did I mention that painting can also relieve stress?
So, I decided to keep on going. I find it to be an excellent hobby which is useful as a 'stream of consciousness' exercise that preps your mind and focuses it into the right frame for any other creative projects. With that said, this little work over here is called 'One Tree Hill.' I know, I know, no pivotal proverbial peek into the human condition. Although I have been told, if you look closely at the blue sky lines above where they meet the red sunset that you can actually make out the shape of fishes on a stream. Personally, I do not see it but hey, the more seriously people take me 'dashing' on canvases, the closer I am to one day selling one. *I hope*
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